Riffle Monster Trading Company

Fly Fishing Gear, Gifts, and Accessories

PowerChow Diet – Thermic Effect, Intermittent Fasting, and Metabolic Stability for Weight Loss and Nutrition

Introducing the awesome PowerChow Diet!

Let me be real with you, I’ve struggled with extra weight my whole life. But, I knew any diet I tried had to meet my three big requirements:

  1. The food had to taste good – no bland stuff!
  2. It had to be simple and easy to follow – no complicated meal plans!
  3. Most importantly, it had to work without making me feel like I’m starving.

And guess what? The answer was PowerChow, and man, it blew my expectations out of the water!

Here’s how it goes:

The PowerChow Diet rocks intermittent fasting. For me, that means eating dinner early and skipping breakfast.

I chow down dinner before 7 PM and then hold off until around 10 AM for lunch. This gives my body time to fully digest and an empty stomach for my early lunch – the first meal of the day!

PowerChow Soup Mix

Lunchtime is a bowl of 2 cups of PowerChow, mixed with 1 cup of finely chopped arugula, and topped with a heavenly 1 tablespoon of tahini paste. Sometimes, I switch it up with extra virgin olive oil, but tahini gives it that creamy texture and delightful flavor I can’t resist. Plus tahini on it’s own is a nutritional powerhouse.

If I’m feeling a bit protein-hungry, I might add a fried egg, leftover cooked chicken, canned tuna, or any other protein I can get my hands on.

But honestly, most days, I stick to the basic soup, greens, and tahini – it’s perfect!

Around 4 or 5 PM, the hunger fairy starts knocking, and I’ll have a healthy dinner. No need to stress about calories or go crazy, just generally healthy stuff.

The best part? PowerChow is loaded with nutrients and special ingredients that rev up your metabolism. Oh yeah, it’s like adding fuel to your internal furnace!

Plus, PowerChow has those magical metabolic stabilizers and a low sugar content that keeps my metabolism steady and my tummy from rumbling.

You gotta try this for a week, seriously! You’ll feel amazing, shed those pounds, and have energy to spare. And guess what? You won’t be hangry, counting calories, or sacrificing taste.

Now, the PowerChow Diet is a permanent part of my eating routine. It’s so darn simple, and I always know what’s on the menu for lunch. And let me tell ya, I never get tired of it because it tastes divine! In fact, I’m always looking forward to lunchtime – it’s a highlight of my day! So, give it a shot, and let PowerChow work its magic for you too! 😊